PBS Arts brand & site refresh

PBS Arts rebrand banner

Problem to solve:

The PBS Arts brand is a sub-brand of national PBS. In 2015, the structure of the website had to be updated to match the new content management templates being used. The sub-brand also needed to be established for use across social media.


To start the refresh process, I audited the original PBS Arts website, reviewing over 80 program pages as the first step towards refreshing the site.

Then I created an action plan for the site content: retire, move, or update the program pages. Afterward, I restructured the site and the various pages using a newer template available in the custom content management system.

To round off the refresh, I collaborated with the design team to create a new aesthetic for the PBS Arts brand, which resulted in new graphics for the site and other digital presences.

To keep both the PBS Arts site and Twitter up-to-date, I created a schedule for regular updates and analytics monitoring, using tools like Hootsuite, Crowdtangle, and Google Analytics.


The refresh helped make the PBS Arts site a better match for the rest of the PBS digital ecosystem branding and design, which made a more seamless experience for website users.

In addition to taking over the management of the site, I took ownership of PBS Arts Twitter where I helped grow monthly impressions by over 225 percent in a three-month period.

Comparison of the legacy PBS Arts website and the updated version
PBS Arts new branding
